To Bake or not to Bake?

Every year since the kids were 9 and 10 years old we have baked gingerbread houses. One year I made 23 houses at 75 bucks a piece to pay for Christmas. It is my little personal Christmas in that family comes over and I get to reconnect with everyone once a year. I love the energy although it is sugar infused. This time of year when friends an family get together for something this fun is magical. Things changed up this year  though. I have been mainly sugar free this year! I know right! Well, that makes for an interesting dilemma when it comes to preaching healthy habits all year long and then have the EPIC and I mean EPIC day of sugar, more sugar, topped with gluten and all the things that I have been avoiding all year long.

That leaves the question when do you compromise?

I had to think about it but here’s what came into play. Family, Fun, Friends. These are the things that I wanted to connect with and value the most. I love the smell of gingerbread baking, Baking for a very long time that was how I showed love was with food. It still is but in a much healthier way. The compromise is that it is one day a year to cheat. It may be in a very big way with royal meringue icing and all the toppings. Then the pizza lunch. It’s a day that definitely needs a detox from but with the music playing and the kids giggling, it is so worth it.

Gingerbread Day! Cookie Day!

The day arrived. The mix bags were prepared. There were seven jars of molasses waiting to be turned into snowflakes, trees, and this year nutcrackers. I had gotten out my tub of cookie cutters and cleaned them up a bit. You heard that right, I have a tub of cutters. That way everyone can make whatever their imagination can come up with. The worn out house pattern came out of the drawer that it stays in so that I don’t forget where it is.  The icing tips had to be found because they get lost in the day to day almost every year. Let’s not forget all the icing colors and glitter. It takes at least a week or two to clean up the glitter bu it’s OK I don’t mind.

Oh my it  was so much fun and well lots to be learned like get the cookies given away as fast as you can or otherwise it turns into a very big binge.

Here is where it gets tricky. That one day can turn into the holiday season and ten extra pounds if you are not careful. I have to admit it’s nice taking a break from being disciplined for a spell but that can be a slippery slope. We  know that it’s mainly a healthy blog but I’m gonna give you my gingerbread recipe and the icing that goes with it. I hope that you enjoy it year to year like we do. This is our once a year cheat and I guess we’ll do it together. Click the link below for the recipe and get the party started.

Gingerbread PDF