top ten

The top ten reasons why I use essential oils fall into line with my 5 a day to be successful.
The top 5 things that you do daily will dictate the level of your success. John Maxwell teaches this methodology and is known as America’s leadership guru. I have found that it grooves pretty much with Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning which has honestly changed my life. SAVERS being the way to elevate your success quotient.
My 5 a day are !. Pray and Meditate on God’s word
2. Exercise ( on Sundays release and foam roll)
3. Dinner with the Hubby ( food,family and my best friend )
4. Connect with others
5. Live intentionally aka Plan using scheduling tools and know numbers

10. Toxin Free Guarantee with the Seed to Seal Promise.
The company that I use and work with has a Seed to Seal promise that is beyond organic certification as far as standards go. They start
with the seed being non GMO. The soil is organic certified for 50 years. The process covers no pesticides and uses essential oils to
prevent pests and weeds are taken care of old school by being pulled by hand. Not many companies do that.

9. Versatility and individuality. Another way to say this is essential oils are adaptogenic. That means what works for you in one way may
work another for me. Muscle testing can show what oil works best for you and may not respond in the same way at all for me. So a blend
called Raven is used to support the respiratory system and so is another blend called R.C. Raven may work awesome for you but I may
respond better to R.C. Not only that R.C. works for motivational support when exercising or can be used for calming. What may calm one
person down may motivate another.

8. Multitasking ability! Not all oils are created equal. Young Living oils can be Diffused, Ingested, and applied topically. That is one
heck of a deal with these powerful little bottles of oils. The vitality line can be used for cooking. You can diffuse to them and in 22
seconds they reach the brain and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Topically applied in 2 minutes they can be found in the blood
stream. Not only that in 20 minutes they impact every cell in the body. That is effective. Some oils can be used with all three methods
and are truly Swiss army knives of the trade. At first I thought that just rubbing them on was the best way to use them but now I am a
diffusing blending apothecary.

7. Space-saving. This may seem a little silly but the bottles are small and don’t take up an entire cabinet and travel really well. I have
a small pouch that goes with me in my purse. I can carry enough for multiple purposes and not have to take the entire medicine cabinet
with me. See previous point.

6. Easy to use. I love how simple it is to use oils. I mean you can open a bottle and sniff. If you really want to get down to it.
Diffusing is super simple too. You add a few drops to distilled water (depending on the diffuser you use) and turn on. It does
wonderful things and some you may not even be aware of. Topically you can use some neat ( just straight oil), others add to a carrier
oil such as jojoba oil or grapeseed oil and just rub in. Vitality oils you can put under the tongue or a drop or two to your favorite
recipe in place of dried herbs which the life is gone from them.

5. Elevate your frequency. Everything in life has a frequency. Our organs have frequencies. Our moods have a frequency and the higher
the frequency for the mood the better. I know that may seem a little woo woo but trust me the science is there. I love that you can
be having a bum day and diffuse some Christmas Spirit and your mood will almost instantaneously be lifted, You can apply oils that
match frequencies to organs in the body to support the best functioning level of that specific organ.

4. Safe for little people and animals. The oils need to be checked for how much to dilute and which ones are safe for animals. There are
resources out there specifically for both groups but unlike pharmaceutical medicines oils are safe when used properly for babies,
toddlers, and animals. Always read the labels for proper dilution and applications uses.

3. Counteracts toxins and pollutants that we experience on the daily. When we use oils properly we can undo the harmful effects of free
radicals as most have antioxidant properties. Again you need to read up and do your due diligence for the oils that you use.

2. Proactively supports the body. Each oil has its own properties that support different systems. Using oils in preventative care and
supportive care can help maintain a positive healthy lifestyle.

1. In the end it costs less than traditional medical costs of pharma drugs and doctor visits. That is if you are supporting your oily
lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise. I am not saying that oils are a panacea of sorts but a healthier lifestyle. You need to
support them with good choices in nutrition and life choices. I mean you can smoke two packs a day and expect using an oil to keep
you from experiencing the fallout from the cigarettes. A little common sense goes a long way. Let’s face it I’m not a doctor and am
not giving any medical advice. I just am sharing how I love the ways oils have positively impacted my life.

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